P1, P2, P3, P4 . . . What’s the Difference? Part 2

Part Two—Data Conversion

The Project is using a series of working models, called prototypes, to build NSHE’s Workday configuration. Over the next few updates, we will drill down on how Workday prototypes are built and what goes into them. Last week’s update described why NSHE uses prototypes to build its Workday configuration. This week, the focus is on data.

Data conversion is the term for the process of taking data from their locations in one system and moving them into another system. At NSHE, the Project is devising data conversions for moving data into Workday from old legacy systems like Advantage, HRMS, and Employee Self-Service.

Getting the data out of old legacy systems is a challenge because each institution used a different approach for managing the data they put into those systems. For instance, one institution may store staff birthdays as ‘month-day-year,’ while another may store them as ‘day-month-year.’ But in Workday, everyone will store birthdays in the same format. This example is an oversimplification, of course. In reality, NSHE data is much more complex, and a successful transition to Workday requires careful examination of all the data from every institution. The Project is devising data conversion to move all the disparate forms of data—from employee names and numbers, to accounting journal files, to every mailstop at every institution—seamlessly into Workday. All eight institutions are also participating, coming together to establish a set of common data approaches that will work for everyone.

NSHE’s first Workday prototype (P1) used a real copy of institutional data that was only minimally converted into Workday. The data that flowed into the right places was kept in the prototype; data that didn’t work was removed. As with any prototype, P1 was a learning experience. It served as the first step in developing a configuration that includes all the functionality NSHE needs, and all of the necessary data NSHE required. P2 is the next step, with more functionality and, thanks to the Project and the institutions, data that is better understood by Workday.

When NSHE’s Workday configuration goes live in October 2017, it needs to contain each institutions’ data from the legacy systems it’s replacing. P2’s closer conversion of real institutional data allows the Project to get more detailed as NSHE moves closer to go-live.

P2’s Data is Better Than P1. Here’s Why.

  • Enables deeper testing of NSHE’s common business practices
  • Fleshes out functions that rely on data that were missing before
  • Supports creation of in-depth training materials
  • Informs approaches to current and future data integrations
  • Facilitates development of Workday rollout strategy