P1 is Done. Next Up: P2

Now that Phase 3 unit testing is nearing completion, the Team is focused on building NSHE’s second Workday prototype (P2). P2 will use the findings from Phase 3 testing, a copy of real data from all eight NSHE member institutions, and a more complete picture of how Workday must be configured to work for everyone at every institution. Whereas the first prototype (P1) was the Team’s freshman effort at configuring Workday with NSHE’s custom-designed common business processes, P2 will be much closer to the final version NSHE will start using in October 2017. This more refined prototype allows for a more in-depth approach to testing to make sure the whole system works as expected. In fact, it’s so close to the final version of Workday that the Team can start showing it off in campus demonstrations and hands-on computer labs. P2 is scheduled to be built through mid-October.